
My name is Jeremy. I have, over the years, provided help, insight and direction, using astrology, for thousands of people.

I am the author of “Orcus“, a breakthrough treatise on the new Hadean paradigm in astrology. I am currently working on the text of “Ixion” which I will be released in 2023

You may contact me directly using chirotic.school@gmail.com

31 thoughts on “About

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  1. I just came across your blog and wanted to say thank you for sharing your writing. It is evocative. I recently became acquainted with the concept of spirit guides, which I have not had direct experience of.. except through others. In any event, the name Jeremy came to mind when I tried an exercise. Nothing else, just Jeremy. I will read your words with openness to the fact that you could be a muse to me 🙂 And if you ever need guidance (as I read in one of your posts) feel free to contact me. I’m a psychologist by trade who feels much more comfortable in the world of spirituality and astrology. And as a Pisces, I know something about compassion and openness.

    Thanks again,
    Chris 3-6-1970; Rockville Centre NY; 10:18 PM

  2. I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for teaching me so much about astrology. I look forward to getting my “chirotic fix” daily. Your passion is inspirational–your gifts of writing, astrology, intuition and compassion blend so wonderfully here. Blessings to you, Jeremy 🙂

  3. Jeremy,

    From the first moment i read your blog it resonated deeply with me. There is a rawness and openness to your writing that touches human experience. The beauty, complexity, and mystery.. It has helped me feel less isolated, and understand more of myself and what i invite into my life..
    Blessings to you.. Thankyou for your gifts and the courage to pursue them.



  4. Hey, I came across your blog today and just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading. 🙂

    Will there be another part to chiron in pisces through the houses? (10th house – me ).

    Great writing, I will visit again.

    Very best wishes

  5. Hi Jeremy, I just got turned onto your blog by Julie Dembowski. I’m also a practicing astrologer – in San Francisco, CA. Since I want to visit again, and perhaps many times, I’m adding you to my own blogroll. Thanks for the beautiful work. My best, Jessica

  6. Hi — I just got pointed to your blog, how interesting. I’ve *also* been a student of astrology since I was 12, and now I’m 53. Hard to believe it’s been 40+ years! The last 11 years I’ve apprenticed under Steven Forrest, my sensei. Good job, beautiful blog!
    Thank you,

  7. Thank you for your helpful and provocative insights.
    I came across your blog just during this new moon in Scorpio, and it has helped me in unspeakable ways.
    My gratitude truly and sincerely.

  8. Hi Jeremy, I just came across your article on your car/body and your chart! What a great article! I will stay tuned into reading you in the future because your reaking in brillance! I think your going to grow up and be a really fabulous and world famous astrologier!

    Looking forward to reading lots more good stuff from you! Many Blessing to you and Alice!

  9. Hello,

    I just came across your blog when I googled “pluto in virgo in the 8th house”. Any hoots I happily was lead to your piece on Pluto thru the signs and it was most helpful. I am starting a new job tomorrow in a new field that is packed w/ the Pluto in Libra generation and needed some insight on how to best deal with these folks. Thank you!

  10. Hi Jeremy,
    Have just discovered your blog…and I can’t believe I haven’t been here before, I thought I’d already found all the best ones! Fantastic work, I’ll be back 🙂

  11. Wow! I can think for England, but I’m impressed at your ability to write for it! !!!!

    I’ve been expanding at the speed of light lately and although I am aware that my eyes have grown bigger than my belly , I just can’t stop gathering insights and info from this fantastically irresistible smorgasbord of visionaries !
    I’ve consumed some of your stories with particular relish; I loved the story of the cosmic dolphins… and your blog about linear time and linear thinking -well that one just gave me a female erection! 😀 .
    I knew I was unique, but now I have a huuuuuuuge ego to boot!

    My start up disk is almost full! -hehe! so I will wish you adieu and get some sleeping done!

  12. Today I stumbled upon your blog and it is so profound to me.Your articles about Pluto are fantastic!And I thank you for teaching us that Moon/Pluto is very similar to Moon in Scorpio!!Lots of astrologers and its followers claim otherwise but to me your view makes much more sense.I have that aspect and can see myself completely in Moon in Scorpio.I always wondered how come till I finally read your article about Moon/Pluto.Thank you for that!Indeed very similar energies! I think in the future I ll come to you for any astro questions or advice.You re one of my favorite astrologers!
    God bless you and all you love!

    Ana from Croatia

  13. Thank you for this information on the eighth house. I have four planets, Sun, Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter, in Cancer and Leo in my eighth house, and I am just leaning the root of my true nature which is intense to say the least, and why I keep so much of myself hidden. I have always felt more like a Scopio, then a Cancer and now I know why. I also have frequent vision concerning my death, where I am driving in my car and I am shot in the head by a bullet, so after reading what you wrote about perdicting from a chart the cause of death, I think I understand why this thought comes in to my mind. Thank you and please continue to write about the eighth house.

  14. I just wanted to say I am enjoying your blog. Really looking forward to Chiron in Taurus Part 2. I love reading about Plutonic issues (I’m Nov 6) and I’m so excited to have stumbled onto your blog!

  15. I just came across your Blog. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and writing.

    I’m always in Chiron since he is sitting in my 8th house in Aquarius. As a matter of fact, I’m 54, and recently survived the Chiron Return.

    Please write about Chiron in the 8th house and/or in Aquarius.


  16. I love the content of your website, but this layout is driving me bananas. I can’t find a way to an organized list by topic of your writings! It is maddening, considering your content as far as I have read is so, very good. I hope you will consider a better, more user friendly “theme” or website layout in the near future!

  17. Jem, I discovered Orcus natally is between Chiron and Vesta as close as it could possibly be to my midheaven..sent you an email, I hope you get to when you have a chance. Writing a book on soul embodiment. And in the process. What more can I tell you? blessings, jo

  18. Hello, i have recently had a spiritual experience. I know nothing about astrology, or much about any one particular religion. I did not go seeking this experience, this experience has found me. I have been very interested in many different aspects of religions and open to the concept of higher levels of consciousness. I have been an average woman born November 5th, 1965. I was adopted and do not know my time of birth. I have had average intelligence, appear to have lived an average life to most people. 3 days ago that all changed and now i seem to be plugged in to some universal consciousness. I do not know how i even ended up on this website. I do not want to go into detail as i am not completely sure if i am appearing crazy. I am just relying on faith here. A faith i never knew I had until now. Can you give me any direction with this? Thank you

  19. Hi Jeremy, I like your blog a lot. Reading about astrology is my hobby. I recommend you a very very nice book of astrology – astrology karma and transformation by stephen arroyo
    I hope you find it useful. Keep writing. Bless!!

    1. Thank you! I agree that is a great book and I have read it. Stephen was a very good astrologer and human being.

  20. Been researching astrology intensively for three years, first visited your blog today. Enjoyed your writing and depth, and i believe you are an astrological hidden gem.

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