The Mundane Ixion

(For those of you who have been reading along, some context. This is actually part three in the story of the US Ixion return, so you may want to read parts 1 & 2 - below - to put it in context. It is quite long, so be prepared. It...
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The Great Gravy Train Robbery

Predicting the outcome of elections is hard. The British general election of two days ago has ushered in the most right-wing government Britain has ever seen. This bold conclusion is ably supported by the announcement today that Tommy Robinson, a far-right campaigner and member of various white supremacist organisations has...
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Communion with Hades

I am checking in after a little absence because it's remarkable how quickly time flies and how much work you can get done without even the slightest disturbance on the surface of life and it might seem that there is nothing going on, in the depths of one's personal...
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Hadean Planets and Spiritual Work

How do we work with Pluto, and his co-rulers of the Underworld, to emancipate ourselves from difficulty, and to do the spiritual work that is our life's purpose? I would argue that it is, like so many spiritual methodologies and paradigms, at once incredibly simple and most decidedly difficult, but...
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