The Astrologer’s Degrees, a Study of the Evidence.

Today I wish to look in some detail at a specific phenomena that is of great interest to the astrologer, the provocatively named “Astrologer’s Degree.”

Provocative, not least because in binary thinking (which is ultimately commonplace even among astrologers!) it suggests an on-off state, it provokes the deterministic view that an ability for astrology can be realised through placements to a specific degree in the nativity. Of course, this is utter nonsense, it cannot, nor should be so, however, it most certainly is not unreasonable to posit placements upon any supposed degree to incline toward an astrological acumen, an acumen that need never be realised in the life unless other predisposing factors support the same view. Imagine it is like a pushbike. If you have two wheels, a frame, handlebars, brakes and a saddle then you can put them all together and actually ride off into the sunset. If you only have one wheel, then you are at something of a loss, and are going nowhere. An astrologer’s degree placement then is perhaps like a single wheel, useful only if you happen to have the other parts.

So let us discover the nature of those other parts first, before we examine the degrees themselves. Binary thinkers have run various algorithms through databases of nativities in an attempt to discover a golden astrologer’s bullet without any particular success. One such study came out with the following results:

  • 38% had the Sun in Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn and these placements were found in the astrologers charts twice as often as they were found in the control group.
  • Sun, Moon or Mercury was found in a fixed house for 70% of astrologers and Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn were placed in an air house for 71%.
  • Sixty-three percent of the astrologers had the ruler of the eleventh house direct.
  • None of the astrologers tested had a mutual reception between Sun and Uranus.
  • Pluto, Chiron or the North Node was placed in one of the Gauquelin power zones in 66%.
  • Uranus was found aspecting the vertex in the control group more often than it was found aspecting the vertex in the astrologers’ horoscopes.
  • Nothing was found in 100% of the astrologers’ charts.

This is not really useful particularly, because it is trying to measure a grey area (human potential); we might as well say that forty percent of vehicles are red, seventy percent have at least two wheels, but only five percent were bicycles! I only include this rather vile pandering to statistical scientism as a reminder of the pointlessness of measuring the immeasurable. What, then, pertinently, would I look for in the astrologer, apart from placements to an astrologer’s degree?

Firstly I would look to the position of Uranus and to a lesser extent Saturn. Uranus configured to the angles seems to be prevalent, as does a strong Saturn. Uranus gives flashes of insight as well as mathematically themed abilities while Saturn provides rigour and an ability to structure. Traditional astrologers point to the importance of Mercury in the consideration of astrological ability. Some people say that the asteroid Urania -muse of astrology and astronomy both – ought to be meaningfully placed. Noel Tyl posits the view in his books that 18 degrees of mutable signs is significant in the study of astrology. Similarly, James Braha asserts that it is common for the greatest Hindu astrologers to have been born with a powerfully disposed Moon (memory) and 2nd house (knowledge).

All of this technical discussion though fails to address one key consideration, since the premise of the study – in my view at least – requires clarification. In my experience, astrology is as much – if not more – about counselling as it is about any technical ability to understand the patterns of energy in the nativity. An abstract grasp of rhyme and metre after all, does not a Dryden make. To pattern recognition, mythic-insight and meditative application you must then add an ability to talk to people, or at least to be able to convey sensitively in writing an appreciation of their struggles; some measure then of humanity and compassionate mettle forged through trial and adversity cannot be lacking otherwise the science of astrology becomes a brittle, artless parlour-trick with no practical application.

So to this list I would add a requirement of sensitivity, which might be supported by the configuration of Neptune with either of the luminaries, a strong Piscean influence, 12th house significators, Virgo too, through the polarity of Pisces and the service-oriented axis and any strongly Lunar characteristics. To the ideal for counselling I would suggest that a study of the descendant may be pertinent, since it is the Aries polarity point of Libra and thus it is concerned entirely with the other fellow.

Finally I would like to look at Chiron, since here is a new factor in astrology; indeed, Chiron was the first astrologer, so it is only fitting that he ought to figure in the craft very centrally. Chiromancy and chiropractics are both concerned with the hands, the healing power of the hands specifically and Chiron recognises, not a power centre in the nativity, but actually the astrologer, card reader, palmist him or herself, on one level at least.

So, these are the other factors, now what of the degrees themselves? I do not wish to discuss the etymology of the degrees as individual powers to promulgate fate and character, at this stage, let us just accept that for whatever reason, they have relevance. The sources are obscure, the interpretations many, but here are the astrologer’s degrees according to deVore:

From 22° – 28° Aquarius.
From 25° – 29° Leo.
With particular emphasis being given to the 27° Leo – Aquarius axis.

Furthermore, 11° Virgo is considered an astrologer’s degree, no doubt with a very tight orb, thus 10° – 12° of Virgo and there may be a polarity point at 11° Pisces, although this is by no means agreed upon uniformly in the various sources.

It is assumed then that any placement upon these degrees will give some propensity toward astrological ability. Let us look at a couple of cases to check the veracity of these degrees. Firstly, Alan Leo, the great Edwardian astrologer who very much revived the art in the early days of last century. From our list of correspondences then:

Uranus: in the 10th, so career configured, but not much otherwise.
Saturn: Rising, partile Ascendant at 27° Leo (the astrologer’s degree).
Mercury: nothing here particularly, Rx in the 12th, separating from Saturn rising.
Urania: Found at 5° Libra in the second, which is relevant according to James Braha.
Sensitivity: This does not appear to be a big theme in Leo’s chart, his Moon is in mania-susceptible Aries, and highly stressed as the focus of a t-square from Venus opposing Mars. Neptune is in its rulership though and at the 30th degree, thus it is especially fated.
Chiron: He falls conjunct the descendant, an ideal counselling position, especially for the astrologer Chiron and opposing the Saturn and Ascendant, he too falls in the astrologer’s degrees of Aquarius. Evidently it is this axis in particular which is of overwhelming import in creating an aptitude for astrology.
18° of Mutable signs: Nothing here either.

Beyond this, there are no other major asteroids on any of the astrologer’s degrees, although his Part of Plays falls exactly conjunct Chiron at 25° Aquarius.

I know a fair few astrologers around the world, and I can comfortably say that those who appear to have the greatest blend of skill in applying the understanding of the science to the practical and compassionate art of counselling all appear to have some strong configurations around the aforementioned degrees, and usually several other indicators to boot.

I should add as a disclaimer, because I have read message boards on this subject before and those who do not have the configurations indicated seem to delight (I think for fairly understandable reasons) in debunking the theory, but again, I am not claiming that without these degrees configured there is no ability in the study of astrology. Far from it, I have known many people who are deeply skilled in astrological techniques who show none of these indicators; to which I say only that they source the individual cogs and gears of their bicycles from different suppliers and pedal along with just as much enthusiasm as myself or anyone else, and to them I wish safe journey, to the stars, the sunset, or wherever the great art might take you.

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19 thoughts on “The Astrologer’s Degrees, a Study of the Evidence.

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    1. Astrology is such a vast subject it can take life times to work with. As Astrologers we try to apply cosmic order like codes of conduct to these massive living entities interacting on many levels. Plotting our interaction with seemingly abstract energies is definitely Uranian, but is needs to ground itself through the angles or personal planets in a particular way to express Astrology.
      The resurgence of Astrology at this time may be seen as the emerging science of the Aquarian age but without personnel integrity Leo balance point the heart it too can be a brutal science.
      I believe Astrology itself is going through a transformation as it brakes free from the sole use of kings, religion or powers, it is how we use this fantastic art that matters.

      Pluto 11 Virgo conjunct /Uranus 7 Asc 7 virgo

  1. Hi. I enjoyed reading this article. However, there is a difference betwee being interested in and having a talent for astrology and earning a living as an astrologer. If some of your readers are now thinking of quitting their day job – they could consider doing a horary to find out if they can actually make a decent living. So – profit from astrology will be shown by the planet ruling the 10th. The 9th being the astrologer – profit from astrology the 10th. I will draw my readers attention to your site. Good luck. Elizabeth

  2. Hi,

    I have wondered as well the validity of the astrologer’s degree and where did it originate.

    Maybe I missed what you have said, but do you have stats on this by chance. I have read Lois Rodden’s databank’s article about what makes an astrologer.

    I hear this all the time 27 or 29 degree
    and I have Mercury 28 Aquarius and strong Saturn. my moon is in mutual reception with Jupiter in cancer in the 11th house. final dispositor

    Hell, what does make a decent astrologer.
    Articles,counseling, teaching,researh or all of the above. OF course delienation of charts.
    11 degrees Virgo sounds good for writing. Chiron as well, if prominient on an angle. It conjuncts my Venus and sun moon midpoint first house.

    OFF course, I read an Australia article about a firm’s posting. Hiring certain signs for jobs. For real. I use astrology for many purposes as this. It is better than doing a background check.

    I have been on too many forums.


  3. I have picked it up effortlessly and find myself able to apply it at a rate much faster than others. At least this seems to be the reaction of friends who have watched my learning process. Sun @ Virgo 11 degrees.

  4. hi
    have just seen this post and have Uranus in the 5th house (of hobbies!) at 27 Leo, with progressed Mercury conjunct Uranus at the moment in early Virgo. I’ve studied astrology for over 30 years, never gone professional, I can’t see the fascination ever waning because I know I will always be learning something new. Also have a 6th house Neptune in a grand trine with an 11th house Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in Pisces, and Sun in Cancer (Neptune rules 12th). Asteroid Urania at 2 Libra.

  5. Interestingly, if what I read is correct, Neptune was discovered in 1846 at 27 degrees Aquarius. Einstein’s Pholus/Jupiter conjunction was right there too. I feel another article coming on…

    1. I recently started practicing astrology professionally and I loved this article, as it felt like reinforcement that this path is right for me:
      Sun at 27 Leo
      Moon at 10 Virgo
      Mercury at 18 Virgo, trine MC
      Neptune in the 8th trine Sun (Neptune being the highest planet in my chart).

  6. I have heard Scorpio 10 degrees is signifigant for an astrologer. I keep hearing that as I have my Part of Fortune there. I just want to keep learning at this point and don’t consider myself near good enough to be considered pro and doubt I ever would. I have 3 planets in Virgo including Mercury.

    1. Fortuna is interesting, but of course she moves very swiftly since her placement is based upon the movement of the Ascendant, thus a degree of inaccuracy for Fortuna occurs for each 4 minutes of timing inaccuracy. 10 Scorpio is not an astrologer’s degree with which I am familiar, but that does not mean it does not have that influence, nor does it bear any judgment upon your ability as an astrologer. Robson says of the fixed star Acrux at 11Sc52 that it is frequebtly prominent in the charts of astrologers, so that may explain it, of course, about 300 years ago due to precession, Acrux would have been posited at around 10 Scorpio, so that probably explains it.
      Good luck with your study. Successful astrology is as much about determination as ability.

  7. Thank you, I also have Pluto in Leo 28 degrees and Jupiter in Virgo 10 so perhaps that will assist me in my endeavor. I agree that in order to succeed in anything we have to persevere.

  8. Hello there,

    The thing about an ‘astrologer’s degree’ is that people are drawn to astrology for different reasons, and astrologers have different strengths and focuses in the field. An astrologer interested in love and relationships will have a very different configuration to one interested in deep soul transformation, right? Likewise one interested in horary and mathematical accuracy, or one in soul progression and esoteric astrology.

    For your research, here is what I find relevant in my (an astrologer) own chart – from my own opinion plus what you include above:

    Uranus: oriental planet, conjunct Sun, (9 deg Libra)
    P. of Fortune: 27 deg Aquarius
    MC: Aquarius
    Sun: 12 deg 6th H
    Moon: 8th H
    Chiron: 12th H, trine Moon
    Pluto conjunct Mercury

    zilch in the Leo degree.

    My own astrological interest is in transformation, healing, and delving deep into the shadow sides. No surprises there!

  9. Love reading about what astrological placements might indicate an astrologer. I am one, and I have Uranus conjunct my sun (4 degree orb) in 5th house in Scorpio. I have Urania in 2nd house at 0 degrees Leo. Pallas-Vesta both conjunct MC (1-2 degree orb) in the 10th in Pisces. (Neptune in 6th). Moon-Venus both in Virgo but at 19-20 degrees. Merc at 20 Libra exactly on 5th cusp. I am very mystical, artistic, and poetic and really quite passionate about astrology. It’s my favorite subject, topic, pursuit, etc. I am a holistic physician-psychiatrist as well, so pattern-recognition, counseling and health (ruler of 10th in the 6th) are all very prominent themes for me. I have Cancer rising. I do really enjoy teaching and helping people, and I love mysteries (like astrology and really all esoterica). I’ve generally imagined my passion for astrology to be a past life thing, a Uranus thing, a Pallas in the 10th thing, and a Scorpio thing (I have n node, Vertex, sun, and Uranus in Scorp). But maybe Urania in the 2nd is also significant…

  10. Reading this, I’ve realised that I became suddenly fascinated with astrology when my progressed sun reached 26 Aquarius. Funny it should work that way…

  11. I have virtually none of these placements other than Pluto, Chiron and the North Node being placed in one of the Gauquelin power zones. I also have Urania conjunct Uranus aspecting my Sun, Moon and Mercury (tight trine and sextile). Also a strong Mercury in tight conjunction to the Sun in 3rd and OOB. My Mercury/Urania midpoint falls at 10 Virgo. I am not discouraged by the lack of points I hit on this list because I’ve always done things my own way and outside the box. I don’t think I would ever fit into any kind of “formula”, no matter what the subject matter. Astrology is the love of my life. I am not a professional Astrologer, just a hobbyist. Maybe when my chart (and studies) progress a bit further along, a career will ensue… I currently have pertinent points approaching the aforementioned degrees in Aquarius/Leo. Thank you for this article, Jeremy.

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