The Long Shadow

Hello friends, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” So said Carl Jung, and this is never more true than when dealing with Pluto, whether it be your own or the Pluto of others’. Pluto is a black barb hooked into our consciousness,...
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Too Much Pluto…

Join me for a relaxed half hour of discussion on the phenomenon of having too much, or too little Pluto. How to tell if you have just enough (or too much / too little) Pluto and what the likely effects will be in either case. We also take a view...
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Pluto and Me: the Two Great Invisibles

It's the great conundrum of science and the reasoning mindset that it cannot attune to states of being that are in excess of itself. So science cannot get to grips with love - whether personal or altruistic - except to say something banal and senseless about chemical activity in the brain. The only evidence that can be made in support of love is anecdotal; circumstantial even. The reasoning mind cannot say anything insightful about it at all. Philosophers and great thinkers throughout time have attempted to tackle these thorny subjects. Unfortunately, when Descartes concluded that 'I think therefore I am' he committed an act of genocide on higher states of consciousness for all future generations.

How big is your Pluto?

This is an interesting diagram which delineates the 'strength' of Pluto through the signs. With Pluto, stronger does not mean better, it means, well, stronger. To have sympathy with an energy does not always mean to have more of it, indeed, Pluto is subtle, deep and most of all hidden, so to have Pluto in... Continue Reading →

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