Aspects in Balance

Here is another perspective too on the nature of Jupiter and Saturn, and the received wisdom about those planets. Specifically, it allows us to reframe the simplistic idea that Jupiter is good, and Saturn is bad. It is better to say that Jupiter is easy, and Saturn is hard. But...
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The Other Side of Paradise

If it is true to say that there are, in an esoteric, but nonetheless verifiable manner, no ‘easy’ aspects, then this ought to be simply demonstrable; let us find a chart which evinces no hard aspects, and gaze agog at the cosmic realisation that perhaps we have been looking at...
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The Rising Sun of the Montmarte

As we have seen from our recent study of US President, Donald Trump, issues of paternity are of supreme import in understanding matters of identity. Identity is an ever-evolving and ever-elusive construct that has to be understood by the astrologer in order that they can help an individual refine...
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